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Riding the Emotional Waves: Understanding Menopause's Mental Rollercoaster

Menopause isn't just a physical change but a profound emotional journey. As your body adjusts to fluctuating hormone levels, your mood and mental health can take a rollercoaster ride. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the psychological effects of menopause and share practical tips to help you navigate this transformative time with resilience and grace.

The Emotional Impact of Menopause

The years leading up to menopause, known as perimenopause, and the transition itself can bring about significant changes in both the body and mind. One of the most notable effects is the doubling of depression incidence during this period. Women who have struggled with depression or anxiety in the past might also see a resurgence in symptoms.

The hormonal fluctuations that characterise menopause can have a profound impact on mood regulation. Estrogen and progesterone, two key female hormones, play crucial roles in neurotransmitter activity and neuroplasticity in the brain. As these hormone levels fluctuate, it can disrupt the delicate balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, closely linked to mood regulation.

Research has shown that milder depressive symptoms have been linked with hormone changes. For example, a study published in 2019 linked an increase in depression symptoms at perimenopause with fluctuations of progesterone and estradiol. However, the link between major depression, the more severe form of clinical depression, and hormonal changes is not as clear.

It's important to note that while hormonal changes play a significant role, they are not the sole cause of mood changes during menopause. Midlife, when menopause typically occurs, is a time when women may face multiple sources of stress, including caring for children, dealing with ageing parents, and navigating other life changes. These stressors can contribute to the incidence of depression and anxiety at this age, alongside hormonal changes.

Navigating the Emotional Changes of Menopause

Menopause is a period of significant hormonal fluctuation, which can have a profound impact on your emotions. Understanding and managing these emotional changes is key to maintaining mental well-being during this transition. Here are some common emotional changes you may experience during menopause and how to navigate them:

  1. Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to sudden and intense mood swings, ranging from irritability and anxiety to sadness and frustration. Recognising these mood swings as a normal part of menopause can help you cope better with them.

  2. Anxiety and Depression: Menopause can also trigger or exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. If you're experiencing persistent worry, fear, or sadness, seeking professional help is important. Therapy, medication, or a combination can effectively manage these symptoms.

  3. Loss of Libido: Hormone level changes can affect your libido, leading to a decrease in sexual desire. Open and honest communication with your partner about these changes is essential. Exploring new ways to connect and intimacy can help maintain a healthy sexual relationship during menopause.

  4. Coping with Grief: Menopause marks the end of your reproductive years, which can bring about feelings of loss or grief. It's important to acknowledge and process these feelings through journaling, talking to a therapist, or engaging in activities that bring comfort.

  5. Self-Reflection and Growth: Menopause can also be a time of self-reflection and personal growth. Embracing this transition as a natural part of life and an opportunity for new experiences can help you navigate it with empowerment and acceptance.

  6. Seeking Support: Don't hesitate to contact loved ones, friends, or a mental health professional for support. Joining a support group for menopausal women can also provide you with a sense of community and understanding.

Coping Strategies

  1. Be Aware: Mood changes may accompany other menopausal symptoms. Understanding that these changes are normal parts of menopause can help you cope better.

  2. Keep Track: Monitoring your mood, sleep patterns, and stress levels can help you identify any concerning patterns. Keeping a journal or using a mood-tracking app can help identify triggers and patterns.

  3. Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Physical activity can also help with sleep and overall well-being. Prioritising sleep is also crucial, as hormone shifts can cause nighttime hot flashes or other sleep disruptions. Managing stress through yoga, meditation, or mindfulness can also help reduce symptoms.

  4. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to contact loved ones or healthcare professionals for support and guidance. Talking to a therapist or counsellor can provide coping strategies and emotional support. Support groups for menopausal women can also be beneficial, providing a sense of community and understanding.

  5. Temporary Nature: Remember that these mood changes are often temporary and tend to ease with time after menopause. Data show that hormone-related risks ease with increasing time after menopause. While antidepressants or other treatments may be necessary for some women, they are not typically needed long-term.

Menopause is a natural phase of life that every woman goes through, but it can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. By understanding how it affects your mood and using these coping strategies, you can ride out the storm with a smile. You're not alone, and there's plenty of help available to make this transition smoother.

By acknowledging and addressing these emotional changes, you can navigate the ups and downs of menopause with greater resilience and self-awareness.


Can menopause cause personality changes?

Yes, menopause can potentially cause changes in mood and behaviour due to hormonal fluctuations. However, personality changes are often temporary and tend to improve with time.

Are there specific foods that can help manage mood swings during menopause?

While no specific diet is proven to eliminate mood swings, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can support overall health and potentially help manage mood swings.

How long do mood changes typically last during menopause?

Mood changes during menopause can vary from person to person. For most women, mood swings and other emotional symptoms improve within a few years after menopause. However, individual experiences may differ.

© The Natural Doctor


Breast Thermography vs. Mammography: Making an Informed Choice


In the realm of breast health and cancer detection, there are various methods available to women for screening and early detection. Two commonly discussed options are breast thermography and mammography. Each method comes with its own set of benefits and considerations, and individuals must make informed choices regarding their breast health. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of thermography, its ability to detect early breast cancer, and why early detection of breast cancer is advantageous.

Understanding Thermography

Breast thermography, often referred to as thermal imaging, is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses infrared technology to capture the heat radiating from the surface of the breasts. Unlike mammography, which involves ionising radiation, thermography is radiation-free and safe for repeated use. This characteristic makes it an appealing option for women concerned about potential radiation exposure.

Radiation-Free Screening

One of the primary benefits of breast thermography is its radiation-free nature. Mammography uses X-rays to create images of the breast tissue, which may pose a small risk of radiation exposure over time. While the level of radiation in mammography is considered safe, some women prefer to avoid it altogether, especially if they have a family history of breast cancer or have undergone multiple screenings.

Early Warning Sign Detection

Breast thermography is particularly sensitive to changes in temperature, and it can detect subtle variations in the blood flow and heat patterns of breast tissue. These temperature irregularities may indicate early physiological changes associated with breast abnormalities, including cancerous growths. By identifying these patterns, thermography can provide an early warning sign of breast health issues.

Pain-Free and Non-Contact

Another advantage of thermography is its painless and non-contact nature. During a thermographic scan, no physical compression or contact with the breasts is required, which can be a relief for women who find mammograms uncomfortable or painful. This non-invasive approach can make breast screening a more pleasant experience for many individuals.

Suitable for Younger Women

Breast thermography may be particularly beneficial for younger women. Traditional mammography is often less effective in detecting abnormalities in the breasts of women under the age of 40 due to the denser breast tissue in younger individuals. Thermography does not have this limitation and can be a valuable screening tool for women of all ages.

Can Thermography Detect Early Breast Cancer?

The ability of thermography to detect early breast cancer is a topic of ongoing research and discussion. While it can identify temperature variations and physiological changes associated with breast abnormalities, it's important to note that thermography is not a standalone diagnostic tool for breast cancer. Instead, it is often used as an adjunctive screening method.

Complementary to Other Screening Methods

Breast thermography can complement other screening methods like mammography and ultrasound. It may be particularly useful in cases where mammography results are inconclusive or when a woman seeks additional information about her breast health. Thermography can provide an additional layer of data that, when interpreted by a trained healthcare professional, can help guide further evaluation and diagnosis.

Sensitivity and Specificity

The effectiveness of thermography in detecting breast cancer largely depends on factors such as the skill of the thermographer and the equipment used. Research has shown that breast thermography has variable sensitivity and specificity rates, sometimes producing false-positive or false-negative results. This highlights the importance of choosing a qualified and experienced healthcare provider when opting for thermography.

Monitoring Breast Health

One of the strengths of breast thermography is its ability to monitor changes in breast health over time. Regular thermographic scans can establish an individual's baseline breast temperature patterns, making it easier to identify any deviations that may require further investigation. This aspect of thermography can be valuable for early intervention and monitoring.

The Benefits of Thermography


Comprehensive Breast Health Assessment

Breast thermography offers a comprehensive assessment of breast health. It can reveal patterns of heat distribution and blood flow, which may highlight areas of concern that other screening methods might miss. This holistic view of breast health can empower individuals and their healthcare providers to make informed decisions about further testing or monitoring.

No Radiation Exposure

The absence of radiation exposure in thermography is a significant advantage, especially for women who need frequent screenings or have concerns about cumulative radiation exposure. This makes thermography a safe option for regular breast health monitoring without the potential risks associated with radiation.

Early Detection Potential

While not a standalone diagnostic tool, thermography's early detection potential must be considered. Identifying physiological changes in breast tissue can signal the need for further investigation, potentially leading to the early detection of breast abnormalities, including cancer.

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection of breast cancer can be life-saving. When breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the treatment options are often less invasive, and the prognosis is generally more favourable. This is why regular breast screenings and early detection methods are crucial for improving the chances of successful treatment and survival.

Less Aggressive Treatment

When breast cancer is detected in its early stages, it may require less aggressive treatment, such as a lumpectomy or targeted radiation therapy, rather than a full mastectomy or extensive chemotherapy. These less invasive treatment options can lead to a better quality of life for individuals undergoing treatment.

Improved Survival Rates

Studies have consistently shown that early detection of breast cancer is associated with improved survival rates. The earlier breast cancer is identified, the more likely it is to be treated successfully. Regular breast screening, including thermography when appropriate, can contribute to higher survival rates and better patient outcomes.


H2: Making an Informed Choice

In the realm of breast health, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The choice between breast thermography and mammography should be based on individual preferences, risk factors, and healthcare provider recommendations. It's important to understand the benefits and limitations of each method and consider them in the context of your unique circumstances.

By weighing the advantages of thermography, its potential for early detection, and the benefits of early detection of breast cancer, individuals can make informed decisions about their breast health. Remember that breast cancer screening is a vital part of proactive healthcare, and regular discussions with a healthcare provider can guide you in choosing the most suitable screening methods for your needs. Ultimately, the goal is to prioritise your breast health and take steps to detect and address any potential issues at the earliest possible stage.

© The Natural Doctor


The Importance of Breast Health Conversations: Early Detection and Empowerment



Promoting Breast Health Awareness

Maintaining breast health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being for women. Regular breast self-examination and discussions about breast health are vital in the early detection and prevention of breast-related concerns, including breast cancer. In this article, we will explore the importance of talking about getting your breasts checked, understand breast cancer screening methods, learn how to perform breast self-examination and discuss the factors to consider when deciding whether to undergo breast screening.

Why is it Important to Check Your Breasts?


Breast Health and Early Detection

Checking your breasts regularly is essential for detecting any changes or abnormalities early. Breast self-examinations help you become familiar with the standard look and feel of your breasts, enabling you to identify any potential changes promptly. By proactively monitoring your breast health, you empower yourself with knowledge and increase the chances of detecting any concerns early. Early detection plays a crucial role in the successful treatment and improved prognosis of breast conditions, including breast cancer. When abnormalities are detected early, treatment options are more effective, leading to better outcomes and increased survival rates.

Breast Cancer Screening: What Is It?


Understanding Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening involves various methods to detect breast abnormalities before noticeable symptoms appear. The most common screening tool is mammography, which uses low-dose X-rays to capture images of breast tissue. It aids in the early detection of cancerous or precancerous changes. Mammograms are recommended for women with increased risk factors or specific age groups. In addition to mammography, other screening methods may include ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and clinical breast exams performed by healthcare professionals. These screening techniques complement each other, providing a comprehensive approach to breast health assessment. It's important to discuss with your healthcare provider which screening methods are appropriate for your circumstances.

How Should I Check My Breasts?


Performing a Breast Self-Examination

Performing regular breast self-examinations is a simple yet powerful practice that empowers women to take an active role in their breast health. Start by standing in front of a mirror and visually inspecting your breasts for any size, shape, or skin texture changes. Raise your arms overhead and check for any visible differences. Next, lie down and use the pads of your fingers to feel your breasts, following a systematic pattern gently. Pay attention to any lumps, thickening, or changes in breast tissue. If you notice any abnormalities or have concerns, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional promptly. While self-examinations are valuable, they do not replace regular screening mammograms or clinical breast exams, which provide a more comprehensive evaluation of breast health.

How to Decide If You Want Breast Screening


Personal Considerations and Decision-Making

When considering whether to undergo breast screening, several factors come into play. Personal risk factors, such as family history of breast cancer, age, and overall health, should be considered in consultation with a healthcare professional. Understanding the benefits, limitations, and potential risks of screening is crucial in making an informed decision. Open and honest discussions with healthcare providers, sharing your concerns and preferences, can help guide your decision-making process. Ultimately, the choice to undergo breast screening should be based on an individual's unique circumstances and informed by expert advice. Your healthcare provider can provide guidance, address any questions or concerns, and help you make an informed decision that aligns with your personal preferences and health needs.

Why is it Important to Check Your Breasts?


Breast Health and Early Detection

Checking your breasts regularly is essential for detecting any changes or abnormalities early. Breast self-examinations help you become familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts, enabling you to identify any potential changes promptly. By proactively monitoring your breast health, you empower yourself with knowledge and increase the chances of detecting any concerns early. Early detection plays a crucial role in the successful treatment and improved prognosis of breast conditions, including breast cancer. When abnormalities are detected early, treatment options are more effective, leading to better outcomes and increased survival rates. By prioritising regular self-examinations, you take an active role in your breast health and become an advocate for your well-being.

Breast Cancer Screening: What is It?


Understanding Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening involves various methods to detect breast abnormalities before noticeable symptoms appear. The most common screening tool is mammography, which uses low-dose X-rays to capture images of breast tissue. It aids in the early detection of cancerous or precancerous changes. Mammograms are recommended for women with increased risk factors or certain age groups. In addition to mammography, other screening methods may include ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and clinical breast exams performed by healthcare professionals. These screening techniques complement each other, providing a comprehensive approach to breast health assessment. It's important to discuss with your healthcare provider which screening methods are appropriate for your circumstances and adhere to the recommended screening guidelines.

How Should I Check My Breasts?


Performing a Breast Self-Examination

Performing regular breast self-examinations is a simple yet powerful practice that empowers women to take an active role in their breast health. Start by standing in front of a mirror and visually inspect your breasts for any size, shape, or skin texture changes. Raise your arms overhead and check for any visible differences. Next, lie down and use your fingers to feel your breasts, following a systematic pattern gently. Pay attention to any lumps, thickening, or changes in breast tissue. If you notice any abnormalities or have concerns, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional promptly. While self-examinations are valuable, they do not replace regular screening mammograms or clinical breast exams, which provide a more comprehensive evaluation of breast health. By incorporating self-examinations into your routine, you become an active participant in monitoring your breast health and contribute to early detection efforts.

Factors to Consider When Deciding on Breast Screening


Personal Considerations and Decision-Making

When considering whether to undergo breast screening, several factors come into play. Personal risk factors, such as family history of breast cancer, age, and overall health, should be considered in consultation with a healthcare professional. Understanding the benefits, limitations, and potential risks of screening is crucial in making an informed decision. Open and honest discussions with healthcare providers, sharing your concerns and preferences, can help guide your decision-making process. Ultimately, the choice to undergo breast screening should be based on an individual's unique circumstances and informed by expert advice. By actively participating in the decision-making process, you ensure that the screening choices align with your values and health needs, leading to a more personalised and practical approach to breast health.

Empowering Conversations and Breast Health Advocacy


Openly discussing and encouraging conversations about getting your breasts checked are pivotal in promoting breast health awareness. Regular breast self-examinations and appropriate screening methods can contribute to the early detection of breast-related concerns and significantly impact treatment outcomes. Remember, breast health is a shared responsibility, and by engaging in open dialogue and raising awareness, we empower ourselves and those around us to prioritise and safeguard our breast health. By taking proactive steps, staying informed, and seeking the necessary screenings and support, we can strive for optimal breast health and well-being.

Start the conversation about breast health today. Talk to your loved ones, friends, and healthcare professionals about the importance of regular breast self-examinations and breast cancer screening. Encourage open dialogue, dispel myths and fears, and empower others to take charge of their breast health. By sharing knowledge and experiences, we can collectively create a supportive community that promotes early detection and improved breast health outcomes. Remember, a simple conversation can significantly impact someone's well-being. Let's raise awareness and prioritise breast health for a healthier future together.

© The Natural Doctor

Sex after Menopause: How Hormonal Changes Affect Intimacy



Menopause can be challenging for many women, both physically and emotionally. Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to decreased sexual desire and physical changes that can make sex uncomfortable or painful. However, it's important to remember that these changes are normal, and there are ways to maintain sexual intimacy and pleasure during this time.


Physical Changes and Their Effects

During menopause, the body produces less estrogen, which can lead to vaginal dryness and thinning of vaginal tissues. These changes can cause discomfort or pain during sex and decrease sexual desire. In addition, menopause can also cause changes in the pelvic floor muscles, leading to urinary incontinence or discomfort during intercourse.


Communication with Partners

One of the essential strategies for maintaining sexual intimacy after menopause is communication with partners. It's important to discuss any changes in sexual desire or physical functioning with partners and to explore ways to adapt to these changes together. This can include trying new positions, using lubricants or other products to help with vaginal dryness, or incorporating more non-sexual physical intimacy into the relationship.


Exploring New Positions

Exploring new sexual positions can also help maintain sexual intimacy and pleasure during menopause. Positions that allow for deeper penetration can be more uncomfortable, so it may be helpful to try positions that allow for shallow penetration, such as spooning or the missionary position with a pillow under the hips. Experimenting with different positions can also help find more comfortable and enjoyable ones.


Incorporating Lubricants

Incorporating lubricants into sexual activity can also help manage vaginal dryness and discomfort. Various kinds of lubricants are available, including water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based. It's important to choose a lubricant that is safe to use with condoms and other barrier methods, and that does not cause irritation or allergic reactions.


Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is another option for women experiencing vaginal dryness or discomfort during menopause. This treatment involves taking hormones to replace those the body is no longer producing. Hormone therapy can help restore vaginal tissues and improve sexual function. However, it is not without risks and should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.



In addition to communication with partners and exploring new positions or lubricants, self-care can also play a role in maintaining sexual intimacy after menopause. This can include regular exercise, eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. These strategies can help improve overall physical and emotional well-being, which can, in turn, improve sexual function and desire.


Seeking Professional Help

If the physical changes caused by menopause are causing significant discomfort or pain during sexual activity, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A healthcare provider can offer advice on managing symptoms and may recommend medical treatments, such as hormone therapy or medications for vaginal dryness. A pelvic floor physical therapist can also help women address pelvic floor muscle changes and incontinence issues.


Exploring Alternative Forms of Intimacy

In addition to maintaining sexual intimacy, it's important to remember that intimacy can take many forms. It's important to communicate openly with partners about what forms of intimacy are comfortable and desirable. Exploring alternative forms of intimacy, such as cuddling, hugging, or kissing, can be a way to maintain emotional closeness and intimacy with a partner, even if sexual activity is not possible or desirable.


Addressing Mental Health Concerns

Menopause can also impact mental health, which can, in turn, affect sexual function and desire. Depression, anxiety, and mood swings are common during menopause and can interfere with sexual intimacy. Seeking mental health support, such as therapy or counselling, can help manage these symptoms and improve overall well-being.


Managing Stress

Stress can also have an impact on sexual function and desire. Finding ways to manage stress, such as through exercise, meditation, or relaxation techniques, can help improve sexual function and desire. It's important to prioritize self-care and stress management during menopause to improve overall well-being.


Lifestyle Changes

In addition to seeking professional help and addressing mental health concerns, lifestyle changes can help improve sexual function and desire during menopause. Regular exercise can help improve circulation and promote overall health, which can, in turn, improve sexual function. Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated can help support overall health and improve sexual function. Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also help improve sexual function and overall health.


Communication with Partners

Communication with partners is also essential during menopause. It's important to talk openly and honestly about changes in sexual desire and function and to discuss ways to maintain intimacy and pleasure. This may involve exploring new positions or techniques, using lubricants, or trying new forms of intimacy. It's important to approach these conversations with empathy and understanding and to remember that changes in sexual function and desire are a normal part of the ageing process.


Education and Support

Many women may feel embarrassed or ashamed to talk about changes in sexual function and desire during menopause. However, it's important to remember that these changes are a normal part of the ageing process and are nothing to be ashamed of. Seeking education and support can help women feel more comfortable and confident in their sexual lives. This may involve attending support groups or seeking information from trusted sources, such as healthcare providers or sexual health experts.


Exploring Alternative Treatments

In addition to lifestyle changes and communication with partners, alternative treatments may help improve sexual function and desire during menopause. Some women may benefit from hormone therapy or other medical treatments for vaginal dryness or other physical symptoms. Others may find that alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or herbal remedies, can help manage symptoms and improve sexual function. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider or alternative health practitioner before starting new treatments.


In conclusion, menopause can bring physical and emotional changes affecting sexual intimacy and pleasure. However, many strategies can help manage these changes and maintain a healthy and satisfying sex life, including seeking professional help, exploring alternative forms of intimacy, addressing mental health concerns, and managing stress. By prioritizing sexual well-being and seeking help when needed, women can navigate the changes of menopause with greater ease and comfort. It's important to remember that menopause is a normal part of life, and with the right support, women can continue to enjoy intimacy and pleasure in their relationships.


© The Natural Doctor


How To Care For Your Breast When Breastfeeding



Are you a mother who is breastfeeding? If so, it's essential to take care of your breasts. In this blog post, we'll give you tips on keeping your breasts healthy while breastfeeding.


Follow these Tips on How To Care For Your Breast When Breastfeeding, and you'll be sure to have happy and healthy breasts

Wash your hands before each feeding


Washing your hands before feeding is an important part of breast health. Whenever you handle breastmilk, nipples, or breast pumps, it's essential to keep your hands clean. Proper handwashing reduces the risk of contamination and irritation, protecting against mastitis and other breast-related infections.

For best practice, follow the CDC guidelines for proper handwashing: Start wetting your hands with warm water before lathering up with soap for at least 20 seconds. Rinse thoroughly and dry using a clean towel or air dryer. With this easy step done ahead of every feeding session, you can maintain excellent breast health.

Use a clean, dry cloth to support your breast

Support while breastfeeding is essential to promote healthy breastfeeding habits. Many breastfeeding mothers may find that using a clean, dry cloth as support can be helpful. Placing a folded cloth beneath the breast can provide comfortable and consistent support, making breastfeeding easier for both mother and baby.

When using a cloth for support, take caution to ensure the item is thoroughly washed and dried before use. Proper sanitization should be practised to prevent contaminants from entering the breastfeeding relationship. Reap the benefits that breastfeeding has to offer with the help of a clean, dry cloth!

Apply lotion to your nipples after each feeding

Applying lotion to your nipples after feeding can be important for skin health and comfort. The act of breastfeeding can cause dryness, irritation, and even cracking to the tender skin of the nipples - lotion is a great way to reduce any discomfort associated with these issues.

An array of specially formulated lotions are explicitly designed for use on the nipples, but regular non-scented moisturizers can also be used if that is not an option. Proper application technique is essential to maximize effectiveness - lightly dab the lotion onto your nipple rather than rubbing it together, ensuring deeper penetration into the skin layers. Taking proactive steps such as applying lotion regularly can make all the difference when retaining your comfort and enjoying motherhood.

Wear a supportive bra during the day and at night

Wearing a supportive bra is a key part of breast health and comfort. During the day, wearing a supportive bra helps to reduce breast pain caused by movement or postural changes. At night, a supportive yet comfortable sleep and a breastfeeding bra can help you get the restful sleep you need for overall health.

For best breast health, make sure that you wear a supportive yet comfortable bra both day and night. Supportive bras are essential for breastfeeding moms as they give added support while caring for their baby during the day and extra care at night. Regularly wearing a supportive and well-fitted bra can help maintain breast shape throughout life's weight, age, and hormone fluctuations.

Don't smoke or drink alcohol while breastfeeding

While breastfeeding is an important part of nourishing and caring for a newborn baby, it is important to note that anything you put into your body could be passed on to the baby via your breast milk. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that breastfeeding women do not use or consume tobacco products or alcohol, as this has been proven to be detrimental to a baby's growth and well-being. Smoking and consuming alcohol can interfere with the quality of the milk produced by moms, as well as lead to other serious health conditions in their babies over time. Breastfeeding women should focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure they provide the best nourishment possible to their little ones.

© The Natural Doctor

Skin Care Tips for Women in Menopause


Menopause is a period that occurs one year after women have their last period. It can cause noticeable changes in skin and hair. These effects can be reduced with the right care.


Here are the top dermatologists' recommendations


Age Spots

You'll notice the effects of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays if you have spent a lot of time outdoors without sun protection. Age spots and darker areas can develop on the chest, face, neck, arms, and hands. Pre-cancerous and cancerous growths in the skin are also more common during this time.

Sunscreen should be applied every day to your skin before you go outside. It can be applied to any skin areas that clothing doesn't cover. Broad-spectrum sunscreens with at least 30 SPF are recommended to protect your skin. This will help reduce the appearance of age spots and prevent the formation of new ones.

For skin cancer screening, make an appointment with a dermatologist. As you age, your risk of developing skin cancer increases. Skin cancer screenings are more important as your risk increases. Skin cancers and pre-cancerous growths can be treated if detected early.

Dry skin

Skin loses its ability to hold water during menopause. This can lead to skin becoming very dry. Dry air can make this more apparent. Instead of using soap, use a mild cleanser to wash dry skin. Deodorant bars should be avoided. Moisturizer can be applied after bathing or when your skin feels dry. Remember to talk to your dermatologist.

Easy Bruising

Skin becomes thinner as estrogen levels drop. Thinner skin is more prone to breaking down. Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more daily may help reduce the appearance of thin skin. Although this will not make your skin thicker, it can help prevent any further thinning. Sunscreen should be applied to your neck, face, hands, and all other areas that clothing can't cover. It would be best if you did this daily, even during winter. A dermatologist can help you determine the best treatment option.

Hair loss

Many women notice thinning hairs on their heads after menopause. A widening of the part could be the first sign. Sometimes, women notice a receding hairline. The earlier you treat hair loss, the better. Many factors can cause hair loss, so it's important to consult a dermatologist immediately. Hair loss treatment depends on the reason. Your dermatologist might recommend minoxidil or laser treatment if your hair loss is caused by menopause.

Acne or Pimples

Some women experience teenage-like acne as their levels of estrogen drop during menopause and before. Treatments for teenage acne can be too harsh because a woman's skin tends to be thinner and drier.

Use a cleanser with salicylic acid to clean acne-prone skin. This will help unclog pores. Avoid using products that dry out your skin because they can only worsen your acne problem. If you cannot control your acne, it is worth visiting a dermatologist. It may be necessary to use hormonal treatments, too, as per the advice of a medical professional.

Fine Lines

Skin ageing can begin with fine lines. Experts recommend sunscreen, retinol, and peptides as the main steps in skin care.

There's no better time than the present to start using sunscreen in your skincare routine.

Retinol may also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles during menopause. The topical application of retinol has anti-ageing properties.

Peptides can increase collagen production. Peptides can stimulate collagen production, one of the main fibres keeping the skin plump.

© The Natural Doctor


What Should You Do If You Find Lumps In Your Breast?



So, you’re doing your regular breast exam at home, and you suddenly feel a lump. What should you do?

In most cases, women who feel a lump in their breasts will start to worry and have several questions in mind. If you’re one of those who recently felt a lump in their breasts, here are a few things you need to know.

How does a breast lump feel?

A breast lump feels more solid than regular breast tissue. It varies in size; some are pea-sized, while others can be as big as a golf ball. It can be difficult to differentiate a breast lump from a normal breast tissue because they both feel spongy and lumpy.

Lumps may or may not be moveable, while normal breast tissue feels like fibrous mesh. Breast lumps are usually painless, but they may also be painful.

When should you worry?

Breast lumps are scary, even though some say it’s pretty common. You’ve probably heard some people say that most breast lumps are noncancerous. But some may indicate breast cancer. So when should you worry? When should you consult your doctor?

Keep in mind that breast lumps need to be checked by a doctor, whether or not it’s painful. You must have it checked by your doctor regardless of your age and where the lump is located.

You can’t determine on your own if the lump you’re feeling is benign or cancerous just by feeling it. Most lumps are harmless. But lumps may also indicate breast cancer.

So how would you know if the lump is concerning? Here are a few things you need to watch out for.

  •   Skin over the lump changes
  •   Bloody discharge on the nipples
  •   Enlargement of the nipples
  •   Family history of breast cancer

What should you do?

When you feel that you have a breast lump, you should schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor.

Be prepared to answer questions. The most common ones that your doctor will ask are the following:

  •    How big is the breast lump?
  •    Is the lump attached to your skin?
  •    Does the lump move and slip under your fingers when you touch it?
  •    Is the lump painful or painless?
  •    Does the lump come with inflamed, itchy, or red skin?
  •    Did the lump cause a nipple discharge or nipple inversion?
  •    Is the size of the lump changing?
  •     Is the lump more painful when you have your period?
  •     Do you have lumps in both breasts?

Your doctor may or may not recommend you to undergo more tests so they can better evaluate the mass. These tests may include a biopsy or a mammogram.

As previously mentioned, a doctor should check any lump, regardless of age. You shouldn’t think twice about having yourself checked, especially if you’re at least 50. However, that doesn’t mean young women should take breast lumps lightly.

Although many lumps end up being benign, some are still not. You don’t want to miss out on getting yourself checked. It’s better to catch breast cancer early because it’ll most likely be treatable.

Don’t worry about the painful biopsy. Other ways, such as breast ultrasounds and mammograms, help your doctor evaluate your condition.

It’s never too late to take care of your body, including your breasts. Keeping your breasts healthy goes beyond self-examination and regular mammograms. You should also exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and reduce stress. Avoid eating processed food and consume more fruits and vegetables. You should also stop smoking and limit your alcohol intake. 

© The Natural Doctor


4 Strategies for a Healthy Heart



Worldwide, the leading causes of death are heart disease and stroke. Thankfully, there is good news as well. About 80% of all cases of cardiovascular disease are entirely preventable. You can lower your risks by making a few changes to your lifestyle and doing things that would even feel enjoyable in the end. Let’s cover the four basics:




Scientists have been aware of the importance of exercise when it comes to protecting your heart. Some of the first hints surfaced in the 1950s when studies showed the conductors of London’s double-decker buses had lower rates of coronary heart disease than the drivers, with the same going for English mail carriers compared to telephone operators.


Studies have shown a strong, inverse relationship between physical exercise and heart disease. Clinical trials also shed light on why that is the case. Exercise enhances the cardiorespiratory system, increases HDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, reduces blood pressure and heart rate long term, lowers inflammation, and improves blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity. The best part of all is that exercise is something that gives you benefits, no matter how much activity you go with.


Avoid High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure, also known as hypotension, puts stress on the walls of your arteries, causing them to stiffen and narrow down. This stress increases the buildup of plaque in your blood vessels, eventually causing your heart muscle to grow thicker and weaker over time. It may also cause the blood vessels in your brain to rupture, leading to stroke. Your ideal blood pressure shouldn’t be over 120/80. The top number is your systolic pressure, the pressure when the heart is contracting, while the lower number is the diastolic pressure, meaning when your heart is at rest. Keeping the numbers in check is essential to cardiovascular health since hypertension is a leading cause of heart attacks and one of the most severe risk factors for strokes.


Knowing Your Cholesterol


Cholesterol isn’t the only factor in heart disease, despite playing a significant role. Although cholesterol is not the only thing that matters in heart health, you should keep an eye on it. You should know which numbers put you at risk. You should get your cholesterol levels checked every four to six years.


Here is what you should be looking for


  • HDL cholesterol: Higher HDL levels correlate with better cardiovascular health.  
  • LDL cholesterol: High LDL is strongly connected to heart disease. Low LDL is much better for your cardiovascular health.  
  • Triglycerides: A type of fat that circulates in your bloodstream. Elevated triglycerides are linked to both heart disease and diabetes.


Knowing Your Blood Sugar Level


Routinely checking your fasting blood sugar can help monitor another factor in your heart disease risk. So what should you do if you see your blood sugar levels rising? You first need to consult with your doctor to check if you have a medical issue. You can do things on your own to improve your blood sugar control, and they are pretty simple and familiar - exercising and eating healthy. Blood sugar can be affected by several factors you may not be aware of, such as the following:


Hormonal changes during menstrual cycles.

Chronic stress or illness.

Being overweight or obese.

Consuming alcohol or caffeine.

Birth control pills, antidepressants, nasal decongestants, etc.

Not getting enough sleep.


All those factors can contribute to your blood sugar issues, both long-term and before you take a test, so keep that in mind.


©The Natural Doctor


Fertility Treatments for Couples Attempting to Conceive



If you and your partner happen to be one of the 12% of couples who face infertility issues, you know that facing this and trying to solve it is a difficult task. Even though there are fertility treatments available, ones that go a long way toward making it possible to get pregnant, there is still a good chance you will experience a lot of stress during that time. Let’s take a look at the available options for couples, and a quick rundown of the most common fertility treatments.


Artificial Insemination and Intrauterine Insemination


Artificial Insemination involves the placement of sperm from your partner or a donor inside your reproductive tract. This is done during ovulation to maximise your chance of getting pregnant. If you happen to be ovulating normally, this procedure can be done without any added fertility drugs. If you have issues with ovulation, it will require said drugs to improve your chances. Intrauterine insemination is a similar procedure, but slightly more complicated. Instead of injecting sperm into the reproductive tract, a thin catheter is used to place the sperm as close as possible to your fallopian tubes, increasing the chance the sperm will reach the egg.


In Vitro Fertilisation


A famous procedure in which your eggs are fertilised using sperm in a fertility clinic or laboratory. When that happens, one or more of the embryos are transferred into your uterus with the hope it will result in a successful pregnancy.


Natural Cycle In Vitro Fertilisation


Natural cycle IVF is a type of fertilisation that bypasses the hormone injection, monitoring your natural cycle and retrieving an egg when you’re about to ovulate. Your egg can then be fertilised in a fertility clinic or laboratory, just like it’s done with traditional IVF and transferred back to your uterus.


Donor Eggs


This process involves the fertilisation of a donor egg with sperm and implantation into your uterus, a very similar procedure to IVF. The donor may be someone you know or someone you are matched with anonymously through an agency working with the clinic. Using a donor egg means you won’t have any biological relation to your baby, but you are still listed as a birth mother on record. To avoid any legal issues, you should hire a lawyer early on in the process, so you can be sure you have a legal contract between you and the donor or the donor agency. They should waive any parental rights and outline that the children born of this procedure using donated eggs are legally yours.




Surrogates carry a child for another woman or a same-sex couple. In almost all cases, the parents will undergo an IVF procedure and the embryo is implanted in the surrogate uterus. Both parents have a genetic relation to the baby, but the surrogate mother doesn’t.


Egg Freezing


This procedure involves the retrieval of 10 to 20 of a woman’s eggs in a similar way to IVF, but then flash-freezing and storing the eggs for later use. When you are ready to have a baby, you can thaw one or more of the eggs, fertilise them and implant them into your uterus.


Fertility Drugs


These are usually taken when you start IVF, but they can also be taken by themselves during ovulation issues. There are oral medications like Femara and Clomid, used to stimulate the ovaries and correct any irregularities in ovulation. Both of those drugs suppress oestrogen production and boost the production of ovulation-stimulating hormones. If those meds don’t work, you can use hormone shots called gonadotropins that stimulate ovulation directly.


If you have irregular ovulation caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), then the drug Metformin may also be a possible option. It is used to treat diabetes, but it also works to sensitise insulin levels, which may help women with PCOS have more regular ovulation as a result.


©The Natural Doctor


Treating Menopause Symptoms in a Natural and Safe Way

Menopause starts in the late 40s or the early 50s for most women, usually lasting a few years. During that time, at least 60% of women experience the typical symptoms of menopause, meaning hot flashes, mood swings, tiredness, irritability and night sweats. 


Aside from those unpleasant symptoms, women undergoing menopause have an elevated risk of several diseases, specifically osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and risk of obesity. During that time, a lot of women turn to natural remedies and supplements to relieve the symptoms. The following examples are here to give you some pointers:


Eating Calcium and Vitamin D-Rich Foods


The hormonal changes during menopause may cause your bones to weaken, increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D are connected to good bone health and density, so you should make sure you have enough of both in your daily diet. Adequate intake of vitamin D for postmenopausal women is also something related to lower risks of fractures. 


Calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese and yoghurt are a great addition to your diet, but they’re not the only source. Leafy greens such as kale, spinach and collard greens are a good source of calcium as well. You can also find them in beans, sardines, tofu and a variety of other foods. 


Calcium-fortified foods are a good source too, such as fruit juice, milk alternatives and cereals. The main source of vitamin D remains the sun since your skin is naturally producing it whenever you’re exposed to sunlight. As you get older, the body's ability to produce it gets less efficient, so supplements are encouraged to compensate for this change.


Keep Your Weight Balanced and Healthy


It is not uncommon to gain weight during menopause as a result of changing hormones, genetics and lifestyle. The gain of excess body fat around the waist is connected to a heightened risk of developing diseases such as diabetes and heart issues. Your body weight may affect the menopause symptoms as well.


Eating Fruits and Vegetables


Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may help you prevent a good range of your menopause symptoms. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but at the same time filling, allowing you to lose weight and maintain a healthy balance. They may also prevent several diseases, specifically heart disease. The risks of this condition rise after menopause, due to age, weight gain and reduced oestrogen levels in the body. Fruits and vegetables can also help prevent bone loss in a balanced diet.


Avoiding Triggering Foods


Some foods may trigger hot flashes, mood swings and night sweats, so they should be avoided. They are more likely to trigger those if you eat them at night as well. The common triggers may include alcohol, caffeine and spicy or sugary foods. You should keep a symptom diary if you experience those, keeping track of the foods triggering menopause symptoms. This may allow you to avoid the symptoms by avoiding these foods or reducing their consumption.


Regular Exercise


There is not enough evidence as of yet if exercise has any direct effect on treating night sweats and hot flashes. There is ample evidence that proves the benefits of regular exercise, however. Improved energy levels and metabolism, healthier bones and joints, better sleep patterns and decreased stress levels. In one example a study found that a mere three hours of exercise a week may improve the physical and mental health of a group of menopausal women. 


Regular exercise is also associated with better health, protection from diabetes and several dangerous conditions. Stroke, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity are much less likely to occur with enough physical activity.


©The Natural Doctor

A Guide on Prioritising Cardiac Health During the Pandemic


There is no denying anyone knows the importance of keeping your health in check. This is something even doubly important, if you were diagnosed with high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you were told you have the risk of developing a cardiac issue. Considering the changes in the way hospitals handle patients and the pandemic’s impact on everything, a lot of people are wondering what they can do to get the best care.


How to Manage a Heart Condition


Healthy dieting, managing stress and getting regular exercise done are some of the ways you can stave off heart disease and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, with lockdowns and the uncertainty around the pandemic, this has its own set of challenges. You can do the following to keep yourself in shape:


  • Follow your doctor’s advice, taking your prescribed medication as required.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol
  • Avoid any over-the-counter medicines that might interfere with your blood pressure levels, specifically ibuprofen or decongestants.
  • Consult your doctor regarding prescription medicines that may raise your blood pressure, such as immunosuppressants and decongestants.
  • Keep an eye on your blood pressure.
  • Think of new ways to keep active. Go for walks, use high interval training and make sure you don’t go too far.
  • Eat a healthy diet that focuses on clean, low cholesterol ingredients.


Meanwhile, keep taking steps to reduce your chance of catching the virus, such as washing your hands, wearing a mask as necessary, and social distancing.


How to Manage Stress and Anxiety During the Pandemic


There are many ways stress and anxiety can manifest during the pandemic, from lack of energy to loss of interest in your favourite activities, to feeling a general sense of hopelessness and lack of motivation to be active or eating a healthy diet.


That in itself can be a problem when stress and anxiety can impact your blood pressure levels, both short and long term. Without a healthy diet and workouts, you can lean closer to heart disease or further complications of already existing problems. You need to make your mental and physical health a priority by focusing on these:


  • Exercising for about 30 minutes, 5 times a week.
  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Limiting caffeine and alcohol.
  • Connecting with friends and family over the phone or the internet.
  • Trying a meditation app to stay focused.
  • Sweating out the stress by keeping your home clean.
  • In extreme cases, talk to a mental health professional if you feel the stress getting to you.


Be Aware of Your Risk of Heart Disease


It may be easy to ignore health questions or worries during the pandemic, considering people are worrying about the global situation. If you have a history of heart issues in your family, then it’s important to keep an eye on that by getting checkups from your doctor just in case.


The most important thing is knowing what you need to do if your symptoms are worsening or if you are experiencing a life-threatening situation, such as a heart attack. Heart attacks and strokes keep happening even during the pandemic, of course, so don’t be afraid to look for help if the situation arises. Call emergency services as soon as you feel the telltale signs of an inbound heart attack, specifically:


  • A rise in your blood pressure - anything above 180/120 is a good sign that things are way above normal and you need immediate help.
  • Pain in your chest or back.
  • A general sense of weakness and numbness.
  • Blurry vision or loss thereof.
  • Difficulties in speaking or breathing.


Emergency medical technicians can take care of you and save your life, as well as get you to the nearest hospital for more treatment and testing. Best call ahead of time just in case, instead of waiting it out and experiencing the worst outcome.


©The Natural Doctor


Menopause and Work - Understanding the Nuances



Is there any connection at all between menopause and work? That is a question that many would not consider, and in most cases, they’d be right. Most of the time there isn’t anything that ties the two together. But that is not always the case. 


Women experience menopause differently. Some can breeze through it with grace, without experiencing overwhelming negative symptoms. However, other women have more trouble with menopause and don’t transition well. It is important for them to get the right support for it, to have an open discussion about it and help the issue to become less of a bother for them in the workplace. Nowadays, there are some consequences for women employees going through menopause and their employers. In this guide, we will talk about them all. 


What is the scale of the issue?


Nowadays, women going through menopause constitute one of the fastest-growing demographics of the workforce. On average, the age at which women experience menopause is 51, although in some cases it can start even earlier. 8 out of 10 women are working when they enter menopause. 3 out of 4 women experience various menopause symptoms, and 1 out of 1 experiences serious symptoms, which require medication or some other treatment, due to their severity. 

The reality is that there is an ageing demographic, with new entrants from education on the low side. As such, organisations need to adapt and cater to their older workers, in this case, women going through menopause, to ensure they retain their talent and use it for the business. As such, it is a good idea to think about it as a two-way street. Menopausal women often need the work for more than just a salary. It is a source of self-esteem, fulfilment and a certain identity for them, which serves to fulfil social needs too. On the other hand, if the working environment lacks temperature control, there are too many people cramped together and the nature of the work is too stressful, menopause symptoms in women can easily become worse. 

The impact of menopause on work


As it was already mentioned, women experience menopause differently. From physical symptoms like headaches, sleep issues, hot flushes and period irregularities, to psychological symptoms like low mood, anxiety and poor concentration, the plethora of symptoms is different for everyone. Half the women don’t even seek out medical advice and don’t even feel comfortable sharing menopause problems with their managers. This means there is a certain negative perception of menopause, making women feel embarrassed to talk about it. But for women who are well-aware of the symptoms, their quality of life and work can return to normal much more quickly. This is especially the case when there is also knowledge and active steps taken at the workplace to foster this process. 

What managers need to know


Line managers in general don’t feel confident enough to talk about menopause with women. They don’t fully understand menopause and don’t know how they can help. There is a certain need for training, for line managers to understand how they can help their women employees and what sort of support they can provide. Sometimes it is very steps, which are also cost-friendly – a desk fan, or some time off to visit their doctor, etc. 

More support is good for women employees and it is good for the business too


There are compelling reasons for managers and organisations to support menopausal women in the workplace. It not only creates a culture of inclusion but also sets the stage for establishing good colleague relationships. And when all of that is present, the company can develop as well. 

© The Natural Doctor


5 Lifestyle Changes for Improved Hair Health



Hair loss is not a condition you want to take lightly, especially if you know there are ways to help it. Normally, you will lose about 100 strands per day, which is just the regular cycle of your hair. However, any more than that will leave you worried. The condition is sometimes easy to address, and other times you may need to go out of your way to get more specialised treatment. And while male pattern baldness and other serious hair issues may dictate the need for a more serious approach, you should consider some lifestyle changes that are easy enough to improve overall hair health. Here are a few tips in that regard: 

  • Include more Zinc and Iron in your diet – these are two nutrients that are essential for good overall health and wellbeing, including having good hair. The minerals contribute to strong strands and follicles. Health researchers have linked several hair loss conditions to iron and Zinc deficiencies in people. That said, you can turn your attention to foods that are rich in iron and zinc if you don’t want to resort to supplements. Crabs, oysters, beans, cashews, chickpeas, pork chop and chicken breast meat are just a few of the examples that have a lot of zinc and iron to them. Eating more seafood, beans and leafy greens is all it takes to boost iron levels. 

  • Quit smoking – are you a smoker, or someone who often hangs around people who smoke? Then your hair might be in trouble. If your health is not an incentive enough to kick the habit, then you should consider the fact that smoking can also damage your hair. The smoke causes damage to DNA follicles. If you want to boost your health, start by quitting smoking and also be mindful of being around smokers.
  • Grab a hat when staying outside for extended periods – overexposure to the UV rays of the sun can have a damaging effect on your hair, so you better consider a hat. This is all the more valid if your hair already has a problem, or you have male pattern baldness. But it is not just when you have weak hair that you should consider such protection. UV radiation has a way of damaging hair, making it lose proteins and become weaker over time. Simply wearing a hat when staying outside on a hot sunny day is enough to keep your hair protected. 

  • Don’t use extensive styling – over-styling your hair can harm its health, especially when you are overdoing it. Any styling method, which relies on twisting and straightening hair strands can damage the follicles over time and make hair more likely to fall. Other than that, it is important to consider the products that you use, since many of them contain dangerous chemicals, which can further damage your hair. Brushing and heating hair can be detrimental to its health so you should practice caution when you are doing your hair. 

  • Use methods to de-stress – there is a big connection between stress and hair loss. When you are stressed out, your hair is more likely to fall out. Stress-related hair loss is a thing, and it is called telogen effluvium. You will do well to minimise stress any way that you can, be it by engaging in more physical activities or perhaps practising the hobbies and things that you like. 

Sometimes, all it takes are a few simple lifestyle changes, which can have a big impact on your overall health and the health of your hair. 

© The Natural Doctor

7 Breast Health Tips Every Woman Should Follow



All the women around the world know that doing regular screenings in the form of mammograms and thermograms contributes to breast health. But in reality, there is more to it than doing tests. Certain tweaks in diet, exercise and a few more proactive steps contribute to better breast health and better wellbeing overall. Here are a few more useful tips for women to follow when it comes to breast health: 

  • Working out smarter, not necessarily harder – there is no denying the fact that physical exercise is good for women. It not only contributes to good health and wellbeing but also wards off breast cancer. But just how much physical exercise is a good idea? Turns out the right amount revolves around the 150-minute mark for moderate-level aerobic exercise, or five sessions of 30 minutes per week. This proved enough to lead to a reduction in biomarkers in the body, which are associated with a higher risk of breast cancer – hormones like estrone, insulin and estradiol. Various exercises work well, including fast walking, swimming, cycling etc. 

  • Good support for breasts – women need to be pickier of the bras they wear if they don’t want to risk breast tissue stretching and descending. Bras that provide good support are essential. In reality, bra size is very important and it is something that fluctuates, primarily due to weight loss. Sports bras need to be doing their job, preventing breast tissue from stretching during movement. 

  • Weight management – being overweight is one of the primary risk factors for developing post-menopausal breast cancer. However, losing weight is also associated with reversed risk, meaning this should be a mission for every woman out there. The results of many surveys and research over the years show that for women who lose weight, the risk for breast cancer reduces in comparison to women, who remain the same weight. So implementing proper physical exercise routines, as well as a proper diet, is of utmost importance. 

  • Knowing one’s breasts – sometimes, doctors recommend the so-called self-breast exam. This is a process in which a woman does a self-exam of her breasts, but that is not always effective. It can lead to anxiety and a lot of false alarms. It is much better to consider breast self-awareness. Simply knowing one’s breasts allows for an easier process of picking up changes. 

  • Giving breast skin some love – women sometimes worry too much for the inside, completely ignoring the outside of breasts. The skin there can get very itchy, dry and sensitive. Because it is more delicate than other areas of the body, it needs some attention. Moisturising the area is essential, as is keeping the skin safe from extensive sun rays. This will prevent collagen breakdown and retain the elastin within the skin. 

  • Reduce alcohol – another well-known risk factor for breast cancer is alcohol consumption. For women who regularly have two drinks of alcohol per day, the risk of breast cancer is higher. That is because alcohol increases oestrogen in the body, which then contributes to hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer.

  • Understanding family history – any breast cancer history on either side of the family can increase the risk of developing breast cancer in women. And for those who have a very strong family history with breast cancer, i.e. they have a mother, sister or child with breast cancer, it is worth doing a genetic test for the BRCA gene mutation. 

Obviously, there is a lot that women can do to reduce the risks of breast cancer and improve their health. 

© The Natural Doctor

Thermography Benefits Every Woman Should know About



Breast cancer is among the most dangerous diseases that affect women all over the world. To this day, the best thing every woman can do is make regular screenings, to detect the disease at its early stage. This greatly boosts the chances of successfully managing the condition. 

Among other breast screening methods, thermography has become a go-to solution for many women out there. In essence, a thermographic scan involves an infra-red camera, which takes the temperature of the upper side of the body. It highlights any areas of increased activity. Cancer tumours usually have a blood supply of their own. This shows an infra-red scan as an area with increased activity and alerts doctors that something is going on. The benefits of this sort of scanning are many: 

  • The method is non-invasive – thermography is a non-invasive screening method. This means there is no poking and prodding involved whatsoever with it. This is the first difference between it and mammography. The latter is a method that applies a certain amount of pressure to the breast, to produce an image. That is not the case with thermography. All that a woman needs to do is standstill, with no clothes on the upper side of the body. The camera takes the image and that is all. There is no level of discomfort such as in mammography, which can be problematic for women with tender and larger breasts. 

  • The method is safe – mammography remains the golden standard for breast screening methods, but there is a major risk associated with it. After all, it exposes the tissue to a certain amount of radiation, to get a picture. Then there is thermography, which involves no radiation whatsoever. With the different kinds of technology that it uses, it takes an image of the breasts without any risk for the person. This is no small advantage. 

  • It works not just for breast cancer screening – another point in favour of thermography lies with the fact that it can provide useful information for the treatment of other conditions. For example, sometimes doctors check for inflammation, digestion function, lung/heart health and diabetes with thermographic scans. It makes for a versatile approach to helping pinpoint the problem and aid not just women, but also men. 

  • It is a nice supplemental test – thermography works well in conjunction with many other tests, namely mammography. That is why doctors usually recommend doing both screening methods. If one fails to provide a definitive picture of the condition, the other can compensate. It never hurts to have more data. 

  • The screening is very easy to accomplish – another thing about thermography is just how easy it is to do the test. Unlike mammography, which requires applying pressure to the breasts, thermography is much easier to execute. The way it works is just by having the woman remove the upper part of their clothing, and standing still while the infra-red camera takes its readings. It is usually the case that women need to remain in the same room to acclimate to the same temperature. There is nothing about the procedure that is uncomfortable. It is a zero-contact one, it doesn’t call for applying pressure to breasts and there is no pain whatsoever. This makes it rather easy to execute and a much more preferable option in that regard, compared to mammography. 

The thermography screening method has made its way into present-day breast prevention guidelines in a fascinating way. It is good that women all over the world can now rely on another tool in the battle against breast cancer. 

© The Natural Doctor

The Importance of Thermograms and Good Breast Health



Without a doubt, cancer is the single worst disease that a person can get. It affects numerous people in various forms. Sometimes, it is not only adults who suffer, but people of all ages, who can be affected. There needs to be greater awareness of issues like breast cancer because women have a way to reduce the risk. Early checks can be crucial for catching the disease early and improving all chances against it. 


The good news is that with the advancement of screening methods, women all over the world can rely on a variety of tools against breast cancer. There is no denying the fact that mammograms remain the gold standard in screenings, even though this method holds certain negatives. Sometimes, mammograms are deceptively positive, creating a situation where women need to follow up with surgery, to rule out all possibility of breast cancer. 


Enter breast thermography

Nowadays, breast thermography is becoming more and more popular, and for a good reason. This alternative to mammogram is a safe method for screening, which relies on getting an infra-red picture of the body. This allows experts to see what sort of changes the breast area experiences, so that they can catch any cancerous activity long before it becomes an issue. 


Now, it is important to point out that diagnosing breast cancer is not possible through thermograms. The test only showcases areas of increased inflammation, which doesn’t mean there is cancer. It only means that there is inflammation that the person needs to address, to prevent any chances of breast cancer. 


Breast thermography holds many benefits. For starters, it is not painful, unlike mammograms. As a non-invasive method, it is quick and usually takes no more than 30 minutes. There is zero contact with the body and can be done on women of all ages. Perhaps the most important thing is that there is no radiation involved in the method. 


A few important tips for enhancing breast health 

  • Enhancing the oestrogen metabolism – the higher the concentration of oestrogen circulating in a woman’s body, the higher the chance of breast cancer, especially after menopause. Oestrogenic metabolism means effectively transforming the naturally occurring oestrogens and xenoestrogens, as well as addressing the oestrogen-like compounds found in food. The risk of breast cancer goes up with more exposure to xenoestrogens, found in plastic bottles, beauty products, fabric softeners and meat and poultry that is hormone-laden. Women should strive to reduce their exposure to chemicals and plastics. Things like drinking from a glass bottle, and microwaving meals outside of plastic containers can seem minor, but they are a good way to reduce the harmful oestrogens entering their bodies. 

  • Eating more cruciferous vegetables – eating cruciferous vegetables 4-5 times each week is important. They contain antioxidants, which can bring about hormonal balance in the body. If these vegetables are a no-go, doctors might recommend supplements, which provide the necessary nutrients to the body. This will create a better balance in the gut, liver, as well as the lymphatic system of the breast. 

  • Sufficient Vitamin D3 is important for breast cancer prevention – according to various experts and researchers, higher Vitamin D levels are associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in women. Your doctor should be able to recommend a good supplement, in case your vitamin D levels are insufficient. 

Brest thermography presents many opportunities for addressing the issue of breast cancer. There is zero doubt that this screening method can be highly beneficial to women of all ages, especially those with a higher risk of getting breast cancer. 

© The Natural Doctor